Liuxiang coal mine trusteeship project of Shaanxi Zhuyuan Jiayuan Mining Co., Ltd 120 ton coal mine safety production trusteeship

Project object: Shaanxi Zhuyuan Jiayuan Mining Co., Ltd

Project address: Mahuangliang Town, Yuyang District, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province

The project covers: responsible for the overall safety production, management of the mine, mainly including: safety management, production management, technical management and other work of the mine, including but not limited to the following scope: safety production standardization construction, coal mining, mining roadway excavation (including maintenance), power supply system, main transportation system, auxiliary transportation system, one ventilation and three prevention, geological survey and water prevention, Water supply and drainage system, mine "six systems" and production scheduling, initiating explosive device management, auxiliary production, water conservation and environmental protection work, all other work involved in mine safety production, science and technology, safety production standardization.